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Rebecca R. StoneProfessor Emerita


Rebecca R. Stone, Ph.D., Yale University, and Professor Emerita in Art History and Curator Emerita in the Michael C. Carlos Museum, retired from 30 years at Emory in 2018. She now lives near Santa Fe, New Mexico, writing articles on the sacred plants of the ancient Americas and working on other creative projects. Her continuing interest lies in the intersection of shamanic visionary experience, ancient art, and healing.

Research Interests

Andean art and architecture (with an emphasis on textiles); Costa Rican sculpture; museology; perceptual theory; art and shamanism.

Selected Publications

Online catalogue Threads of Time: Tradition and Change in Indigenous American Textiles, 2017 to present (, with contributions by Dr. Dorie Reents-Budet, Dr. Shelley A. Burian, Renee Stein, M.S., Ms. Patricia Ewer, and Elizabeth Caris, M.A..

Art of the Andes from Chavin to Inca, 3rd edition [World Art series] (London: Thames and Hudson, Ltd., September 2012) (Under the name Rebecca Stone).

The Jaguar Within: Shamanic Trance in Ancient Central and South American Art. (Austin: University of Texas Press, July 2011) (Under the name Rebecca Stone).

Seeing with New Eyes: Highlights of the Michael C. Carlos Museum Collection of Art of the Ancient Americas. (Atlanta and Seattle: Michael C. Carlos Museum and University of Washington Press, 2002)

  • Winner of the Association for Latin American Art, 2002 International Book of the Year Award, awarded February 2003, New York City
  • Winner of first prize by the Printing Association of Georgia, 2002

Art of the Andes from Chavin to Inca (London: Thames and Hudson, 1995)

To Weave for the Sun: Andean Textiles in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1992) (Reprinted by Thames and Hudson, London and New York, under the title To Weave for the Sun: Ancient Andean Textiles, 1994). (Under the name Rebecca Stone-Miller).

Articles on Chavin and Wari textiles, periodization, and camelid imagery

Work in Progress

Flowers in the Dark: Sacred Plants in Ancient American Art and Culture.

Selected Seminars

Textiles of the Americas; Ancient American Sculpture and Museology; Inca Art and Architecture; Art of the Intermediate Area.